Friday, April 19, 2013

Hike at Enchanted Rock

Today we drove to Enchanted Rock, north of Fredericksburg, Texas, for a hike.  We weren't disappointed!

Here's a photo of the rock, which is a huge, 425-foot pink granite exfoliation dome covering 640 acres.  It is only the most visible portion of the largest batholith (an underground rock formation uncovered by erosion) in the United States, which covers a total of over 100 square miles!

The pink granite erodes in boulders, slabs and sheets.  Here is Dave holding up one of the large boulders that is about to roll down the slope:

We succeeded in keeping the boulder from rolling down the slope, but this was totally exhausting to Kathy, who sits depleted on the summit trail:

Once we reached the summit, there were spectacular 360-degree views of the Texas Hill Country.  Here is David wrapping his arms around Texas as he stands on the edge of the rock:

The view back at Kathy was no less spectacular.  She looks as if she is on some remote planet:

One of the more interesting features of the rock are the depressions of various sizes in which rain water collects.  Over time, enough soil collects that lichen, then other small plants and grasses, and finally cactus and other plants, can grow in it.  These vernal pools are little micro-ecosystems, supporting a variety of plant and animal life on what is essentially bare rock.

Speaking of bare rock, after we climbed Enchanted Rock, we hiked another 6 or 7 miles on Echo Canyon Trail and around Loop Trail, which circumnavigates the dome.  Along the way, Kathy found a boulder that must have tumbled down from Enchanted Rock.  Here you see her trying to push it back up the dome:

That didn't work, but not to be discouraged, Kathy found some very interesting pink granite formations that were carved by erosion over the eons.  They made little tables and she's standing on one of them:

After the hike, we drove back to downtown Fredericksburg for a cool brew at Fredericksburg Brewing Company.  That was followed by a relaxing hour or so in the sun by our RV, watching Baxter the cat play with the chickens, while we munched locally made tortilla chips smothered in homemade guacamole.  Yum!

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