Friday, March 8, 2013

A Visit from Sue & Dave with Sunset in Clearwater Beach

Hi Blog,

After days and days of cold temperatures and blustery winds, it finally warmed up enough to take a dip in the pool.  Kathy's sister, Sue, and her fiance, Dave Laroche, stopped by for a visit.  They were in Orlando doing the whole Disney thing and had some extra time, so they drove down from Orlando.  It was 32 degrees when they got in the car this morning.  It was 70 degrees and sunny by the time they got to Clearwater.  Here's a couple of sisters soaking up the sun.

Here are Sue and Dave L. taking a dip.  Yep that's blue sky and palm trees.

It was still a little windy down on the beach.  We waited for the sunset by huddling on the leeward side of the lifeguard stand.  While we didn't see the sun dip into the water, it provide a colorful show.

Here's a little self-portrait with the sun setting over Dave's shoulder.

Spring Break is in full force at Clearwater Beach.  We saw several instances of unspecified raunchy behavior by unspecified strangers, not members of our party, and we didn't even get caught observing it!

Dave L. was the designated driver and he got us home safely.  Thanks, Sue and Dave for a great time at Clearwater Beach!

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