Monday, January 14, 2013


We have always been big fans of both the sunrise and the sunset.  There is something magical about those times of time.  However, it seems we have viewed far more sunsets than sunrises.  But that has been more a function of being awake at sunset, not because we like sunsets better than sunrises.  However, now that winter is upon us, and the sun rises at a respectable 7:24 a.m., we find we can actually enjoy both.

After arriving on Cumberland Island and setting up camp, we asked the ranger where might be the best place to watch sunset.  She suggested the Sea Camp dock facing west toward St. Mary's, Georgia.  Here is the view from our camp chairs.

After the sun set, we packed up our chairs and were about to head back to camp, when nature gave us one last show.

The next morning, we rose to greet the dawn, this time on the east coast of the Island facing the Atlantic Ocean.

After a full day of bibbling around Cumberland Island, we grabbed our "Gatorades" (wine smuggled into the park in Gatorade bottles) and kicked back and watched another gorgeous sunset.

Sunday morning dawned and here sits Kathy waiting patiently for the light show to start.

The next sunrise/sunset opportunity will probably be somewhere in the Keys.  Stay tuned.

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