Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

New Year's Eve - the one year anniversary of our retirement!  Yippee!

Over the years, we have celebrated this holiday in a number of ways - house party, fancy dinner out, not-so fancy dinner out, hiking club outing, ballroom dancing, disco dance club, masquerade ball, ski trip and, one year, we even slept right thought it! However, this year tops them all! (Especially the one where Kathy drank 8 martinis and didn't wake up for days!)

What made this New Year's Eve so special - the people (and the karaoke machine)!  We have never karaoked - ever! I know, it is hard to believe we achieved this ripe old age without belting out a drunken tune or two.  Well, that's not exactly true, we have both done our share of off-key singing while under the influence, but never in a room full of other people (I think).

The party started soon after our return from the ghost tour from hell.  We were both looking to put that all behind us.  We met up with our neighbors, Gene and his wife, Evelyn.  They are 90 and 94 respectively. Here is Gene with the grandson of one of the camp workers.

Here is a fellow camper, Robert, taking the stage to belt out a classic Who song.

Kathy soon followed with a Bonnie Raitt number - Something to Talk About.

It took Dave most of the night to feel the urge to sing, but once he got started there was no stopping him. We don't have a picture of Dave taking the stage, since the camera was in his pocket. He sang solo and performed at least three duets with three different people - one of them another guy!

Here is Robert with Gene and Evelyn.  Evelyn's 94th birthday was Friday, so we all sang a boisterous rendition of Happy Birthday to You.

The closer we got to midnight, the more rowdy the songs became.  While there was plenty to drink, most folks were having too much fun singing and dancing, or was the singing and dancing because they had too much to drink? The evening culminated in a group sing of Auld Lang Syne.  For the first time ever, we actually sang the second verse - the lyrics where right there on the teleprompter.  The wonders of modern science.  Before you knew it, the ball had dropped and, after mammoth hugs all around, everyone headed back to their camp sites.  The partying went on well into the wee hours, but not by us.

We now have a new activity to add to our list - KARAOKE!

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