Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Last Day in Ashland

Hi Blog. Today is 12/12/12. How cool is that. We plan to watch the Sandy concert tonight - are you? Today is also the day we bid a fond farewell to our friends, Eric and Ginny. They are heading south to continue their adventures.  We hope to meet up with them again in the future.  Until then, we wish them many happy trails.

After taking care of a few chores this morning, we jumped on our bikes and pedaled over to the Bass Pro Shop.  Here is Kathy relaxing by the fireplace.  It reminded us of Hagrid's house.

We wandered around looking at all the cool displays and stopped to make faces at the fishes.

The only thing we bought was a little collar light for Baxter.  Katie recently got one for Maggie and we thought it was a brilliant idea.  When Baxter goes out at night, I can't see him.  Now he will have a little L.E.D. light on his collar.  After Bass Pro Shop, it was off to James River Cellars - a local winery. We did a tasting of just their red wines, since they produce a total of 14 wines each year.  Here is Dave by the fireplace showing all of their wines.

We are now fully stocked with wine for the holidays!

Tomorrow we pack up and head for Wade, North Carolina, near Fayetteville.  We hear it might be warmer there.

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