Monday, November 12, 2012

Harpers Ferry - Murphy's Farm

Hi Blog.  We had a slow start this morning. We had lots of projects to work on. One of the centering springs on our truck's 5th wheel hitch broke. We had to go online and order a new pair. Taking the hitch apart and putting in the new springs I am sure will be an interesting report to come later. We also worked on the family pollyanna using  Makes the whole process of the pollyanna so easy - love it.

So, it was after lunch before we got out to explore.  We found a hike we could take from our campground. Here is a picture of Murphy's Farmhouse.

These are the fields where the Confederate Troops set up their cannons and surrounded the Union Army forcing them to surrender.

The trail took us into the woods and down by the Shenandoah River. We could hear the Winchester & Potomac Railroad, but it was directly under the cliff, so we never saw the train.

At one of the overlooks, we ran into a couple from Frederick, Maryland.  We struck up a conversation and they gave us all sort of ideas for restaurants and things to do in Frederick when we go there next Saturday to see Tom Rush in concert.  Here's a photo they were kind enough to take of us at a spot overlooking the Shenandoah River:

Tomorrow, we drive back to Philly for dentist appointments, so stay tuned.

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