Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Friends and Fields

On Sunday, November 18th, we drove into Martinsburg to visit with our friends, Kate and Carmen. Unfortunately, we had so much fun catching up that we forgot to take photos. Kate was very impressed with Great White and had to come out to the truck to use the air horn as we left.  I don't think the neighbors knew what hit them, especially after three blasts of the horn (one blast was not enough for Kate).

On Monday, we went on a short bike ride around Bolivar Heights.  While we took the camera, we never took any photos.

On Tuesday, we decided to bike over to the south end of School House Ridge.  This was the last battlefield to visit as part of the Harper's Ferry National Historic Park. It was overcast and a little on the chilly side.  It is just amazing how much open space has been preserved.

Here is Kathy with one of the Confederate canons aimed at the Union troups on Bolivar Heights.

As with all wars, there are casualties both human and property.  Here is the original farm house which burned down.

This photo shows what is left of the inside.

The ride back to our campground was all uphill, which was a challenge, but that is what keeps us in share.

Stay tuned for the next adventure.

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