Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Campground Games

Today's fun was campground games!

We actually finished with a jump on the campground's bouncy rubber air bag thing, but it was just too much fun and we thought it should be posted first in this blog entry.  This video speaks for itself:

Before trying our bouncing skills, we had a rousing horseshoe match.  Here's David showing his inimitable style:

And here's Kathy showing how it's done:

We played to 21.  It was neck-and-neck after Kathy got three single points to make up for David's 3-point ringer on an early toss.  Finally, as we got down to the end, David pulled away, 20-17, and then iced his victory with two single points at the end.  This entitles David to pick his beer first, and obligates Kathy to cook dinner.  No bragging, David :)

We both agreed a horseshoe rematch and a bouncing encore are definitely in our future!

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