Saturday, October 13, 2012

Visit from Laird and Risa

Today, Laird and Risa drove over from Albany to spend the day at the RV.  We started by taking them over to Outlook Farm to experience true country.  It is a cute little farm market with a little breakfast/lunch area.  They make their own sausage and smoked bacon. The place has a lot of "character" or is that characters. Just what you'd think a country store and kitchen should be like.

After brunch, we went back to the RV and sat outside in the cabana playing Chuckluck. For those of you who have never played chuckluck, it's something like Parcheesi.  I don't think I can explain it well enough in this blog for you to understand. But, if you really want to know, email me and I'll send you a diagram of the game. The campground is full of leaf peepers, so there was plenty of coming and going in the camp today.  We refer to this as "camp tv." The afternoon went by quickly, with only one break for Grandmom's Blueberry Pie - with vanilla ice cream!  (Tom, you would have loved it!)  Five o'clock came too soon and Laird and Risa headed back home. We will see them again on Tuesday, when we go into Albany for some medical tests.

We are looking forward to getting out and hiking tomorrow.  Hopefully, we'll have some nice photos of fall foliage to post. We realized after it got dark this evening that we forgot to take photos.  C'est la vie.

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