Monday, October 8, 2012

Fungus Family & Friends

Today we took an 8 mile hike in Miles Standish State Forest.  Leaves have started turning now and we saw some brilliant yellows, reds, oranges and golds.

Our hike was a "figure 8," first looping around East Head Reservoir, followed by another loop that passed by several other ponds, known as the Bentley Loop.  Along the way, we encountered several meadows.  It was unclear how the meadows were formed, but we guessed that perhaps they had been bogs or ponds that had dried.  Some of the meadows had dramatic wolf trees.  Here is one:

...and another:

On our hike around the East Head Reservoir, we also found a red maple with 8 trunks!

As we hiked, we saw a number of unique mushrooms.  We decided to take photos of each type of mushroom we encountered.  An album containing photos of 45 different mushrooms we found is located here:

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