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Friday, October 26, 2012

Eddie & George Wake Up in Philly (!?)

Eddie:  George, where are we?

George:  I don't know, but it looks familiar.

Eddie:  I have the strange feeling we've been here before.

George:  I checked the calendar and it's not Groundhog Day.  It's almost Halloween.

Eddie:  Well, this must be some kind of trick.

Flip: Oh no!  Are you two at it again?

George:  (startled) Eddie!  It's Toto!

Eddie:  George, that's Flip.  We're not in Kansas anymore.

George:  Eddie, we never WERE in Kansas.

Flip:  Do I look like a dog?

Eddie:  When we went to sleep last night, we were in the Berkshires.

George:  This COULD be the Berkshires.  The trees are pretty.

Flip:  Yo!  Sawdust-brains!  This is Oak Grove RV Park near Philly.  We're back where we started.

Eddie:  I can't believe it.  DC, North Carolina, Tennessee, Kentucky, Ohio, Lake Erie, Seneca Falls, Cooperstown, the Adirondacks, the Green Mountains, the White Mountains, Maine, Cape Cod, the Berkshires - was it all a dream???

George:  Maybe this is like the movie, "Memento" and we're going back in time.

Eddie:  Am I gonna see dead people?

George:  Maybe we fell through a wormhole.

Eddie:  OMG, it's the Nexus!!!  Look down the road.  Do you see anyone chopping wood???

Flip:  Of COURSE people are chopping wood!  This is a campground.

George:  This is a nightmare.  If we go back to sleep and wake up again, maybe this will all be gone.

Eddie:  Yeah!  Give me the open road...

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