Thursday, September 27, 2012

Help! It's Halloween Already!

Our whole lives we thought Halloween was October 31st.  We thought that was the case for the whole country - not so in Plymouth, Mass.  Apparently, they celebrate Halloween on September 29th and again on October 6th.  Lucky kids - two chances to trick-or-treat.  Someone told us when we checked into the campground to expect trick-or-treaters on Saturday!  So, we'll need to get some decorations and candy.  It's off to the grocery store tomorrow!

I don't think we'll go all out like our next door neighbor. We were thinking we might just do a jack-o-lanter. After all, we already have two black cats.  What more do you need. We'll post some more pictures as the festivities get underway.

 Stay tuned as George and Eddie are excited to be waking up in a new campground.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Salem, Mass has it all over La Pine, Oregon. Some of the neighbors have fake flowers decorating their patios, that's about it.


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