Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Getting Ready for China

Well today is "the day before the day before."  Tomorrow we fly from Portland, Maine to JFK airport to meet Weina and William.  Friday we all fly to China for over a month.

We took the kitties over to the cat sitter's house today and helped them get used to their suite in their luxurious cat resort.  There are three open windows - one for each cat, and lots of comfy bed-type places for them to lounge.  AND a puppy to occupy their playtime.  Kathy's already going through withdrawal :)

Now we're packing, and readying the RV and truck for a month of storage.  Luckily, we have enough time to do all this that it's not too stressful.

This will be our last blog post until sometime in late September.  Chat atchya then!

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