Sunday, July 1, 2012

Rattlesnake Mountain and Squam Lake

Today is Sunday.  Half of the campground residents are headed home from their lazy weekend in the White Mountains.  We, on the other hand, are already home.  So we got up a little late and headed out on a day hike up Rattlesnake Mountain (which overlooks Squam Lake) and then down to Five Finger Point on the lake.  It was a very nice 4+ mile hike, but a great deal of up and down.

Here's the view we had of Squam Lake from the mountain.  A local person we met allowed as how this was one of the clearest days he's seen on the mountain in a long time.

After taking in the views, we hiked down the Pasture Trail to the lake.  Here's Kathy at the trail junction marking the Five Finger Point Nature Preserve:

We stopped for lunch along the lake shore.  Here's David enjoying his peanut butter and jelly bagel:

The lake was gorgeous today.  We admired the little cove where we ate lunch.

From there, it was back up Rattlesnake Mountain on the (very inaccurately titled) Pasture Trail, take in the lake view again, and then back down the Old Bridle Path to the parking area and our truck.

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