Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Attack of the Killer Weeds

Hi Blog!  It's Kathy.  I know it has been days since I posted, but I have been pre-occupied taking care of my patient. 

You see Dave had a little run in with the local flora. Of course, we didn't know that at the time he spiked a fever. After two days, the rash appeared and it was off to the ER for some antibiotics and steriods. Never mind that since we retired, we've backpacked in the Smokey Mountains, Adirondacks, Green and White Mountains, and never once encountered anything dangerous or life threatening - no lions, no tigers, no bears.  Never saw a moose, or fox, or coyote. We never even came across a deranged chipmunk or rabid squirrel. Our retirement has been put on hold because of a weed! We don't even know which weed it was. We just know that it is not something Dave ever wants to encounter again in life. Until the swelling goes down, Dave has been ordered to stay off his feet and keep his leg elevated. At least this campground has cable. Can you say CSI Marathon.

Dave here.  It's all a big lie.  That's just a mosquito bite that Kathy then photoshopped.

Chat at you later!

1 comment:

  1. Holy Cow, Batman!

    Dave just do as the dr suggested and take it easy. You have to admit this is a bit easier to deal with than a rather large bear or something along those lines who might view you as a meal.

    Kathy hang in there. If you have to, sit on him. You can always see if anyone is running Firefly. Has Castle hit syndication yet?

    Take care!


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