Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Winding Down in the Green Mountains

These last few days have been slow-paced.

It rained heavily all day Monday, June 25, so after doing our daily exercises and our daily Chinese lessons, we spent most of the day working on our itinerary for the coming 12 months or so.  It's interesting to think that, with Katie moving to New Haven, CT by January 2013, and Matt coming to Toronto in 2014, we might be able to find a place in, say, the Adirondacks, where we could be about a 4 hour drive from each of them as well as Kathy's family in the Philadelphia area.

Tuesday was reserved for a day to hang out with Laird and Risa in Albany.  We got over there around 10:30 and, of course, started with brunch at Cafe Madison.  From there, we headed back to their house for an afternoon of gabbing and Chuckluk.  We finished the day with a special dinner at their favorite Japanese restaurant in the Albany area.  By the time we got home Tuesday night, it was dark and we fell into bed and one of the soundest sleeps either of us have had in a long time.

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