Sunday, June 3, 2012

Up and Down the Mohawk River

Hi Folks,

We are settling into life along the Mohawk River. On Friday, we grocery shopped and walked around camp. On Saturday, we drove into Schenectady to do a little scouting around. We found a burrito bar for lunch and did some Christmas Shopping along Jay Street.

As you can see the folks in town are doing their best to spruce up the center city shopping district. They turned Jay Street into a pedestrian mall. There is also a renovated theater at the end of Jay, known as Proctors, which has all kinds of art films and theater productions.  We hope to go to a screening of the earliest motion picture, "A Trip to the Moon," which is partially the subject of "Hugo," the movie; a documentary about the discovery and refurbishment of the old film will also be shown.

Saturday was also hair cut day. You will see in the coming photos that Dave has decided to remove his beard for the summer.  Or, perhaps, as Dave says, "for an indefinite time."

The weather this week is not the greatest. There is a constant threat of showers so we don't know whether to go out or stay in. We finally decided that we would just go out and bring our rain gear.  We hopped on our bikes and headed northwest.

We followed the Erie Canal Bike Path for several miles. The sky started to darken, so we decided to have some lunch and turn around. Here we are at the turnaround point.

Of course, no sooner did we get the rain gear on and peddle back toward home, then the sun came out again.  Here's a photo of a boat on the Mohawk River alongside our bike path:

Upon arriving home, we enjoyed a nice cold beer on the dock. Katie called and we chatted about her busy past couple of weeks. The weather got chilly so we headed inside for a little blogging.

Chat at you later,


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