Thursday, June 14, 2012

They Don't Call 'Em the Green Mountains for Nuttin'

Hi Blog - this is Kathy. Today was my turn to drive from Schenectady, New York to Woodford, Vermont (which is six miles East of Bennington). We took a very direct route, but it was mostly on local highways. Lots of ups and downs. It was fun negotiating the narrow streets of Bennington towing a 38 foot 5th wheel. Traffic was pretty heavy for a Thursday. I almost blocked an intersection. It wasn't long before we were out of town and heading up hill - straight uphill. Luckily, the camp ground is at the top and I didn't have to go back down the mountain - at least not yet anyway.

We are finally getting the weather we dreamed about when we started this whole RVing thing. Blue sky, puffy white clouds, less bugs and green everywhere you look.

It didn't take long to get settled into our new site. Baxter insisted on going out for a walk as soon as we got there. He likes this camp ground. The last one had a few too many mosquitos to enjoy being outside for long.

There are only a few campers here. We talked to the owner, Anne, and her son, Chris. Their busy season is in the fall with all the leaf-peepers - September and October they are booked solid. We also chatted with Tim and Keith, a couple local guys. They came in today to set up their camper for Father's Day Weekend. They'll be back tomorrow after work with the rest of their family. They gave us loads of great ideas for hikes and fishing trips.

We ended our day with a campfire cookout. We hadn't had a campfire in two weeks. Now, all we have left to do tonight is decide which hike to do tomorrow.

Chat at you later,


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