Friday, May 18, 2012

A Day at Lake Erie

Hi Blog.  It's Kathy. I am helping Dave get caught up on our blog entries. We ended up taking a red-eye from San Francisco, via Houston. We arrived back at the Washington, PA KOA by 11:30 a.m. We changed and immediately started packing and hitching up. The cats were excited at first that we were home, but then did an about-face as soon as the cat carriers came out. Fortunately, it was only a three hour drive. It didn't take long to get set up at the Lake Erie KOA.

On days we move, I like to have left overs for dinner, so all we need to do is re-heat something good. Cooking big fancy meals after moving is a recipe for disaster. After dinner, we walked across the street to Ottoway Park on Lake Erie. The campground hosts assured us a fabulous sunset view.

The park has a little stream that runs through it and empties in the lake.  The stream has cut a gorge about 15 feet down. Dave climbed down to the beach to snap some photos.

I stayed up on the cliff for a better view. I was struck by how clean and clear the water was. Lake Erie was also surprising empty.  Now it was a Tuesday night, but I expected to see some boat traffic. However, we didn't spot a single ship.  We could hear some kids playing around the bend at the next beach (about a mile a way). Otherwise, we had the place to ourselves.

We found a comfortable spot and waited for the light show to start.

It was over before we knew it. Sigh. There are more photos on Flickr if you are interested.

By for now.


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