Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The Day After Memorial Day Weekend

David:  Today was a fairly low-key day.

Kathy:  First Adventure - finding the post office.  Mike, the campground owner, said it was across the street from the Amish Candy store.  Apparently, across the street, has different meanings for different folks.  In this case, "across the street" was two blocks down. 

David:  Yes, and while you searched out the P.O., I chatted with a local truck mechanic about what I should do about the slow seep from the drain plug in the truck's diesel tank.  He agreed with me I should wait until I service the truck because I might have to drain the tank to repack the packing around the plug.

Kathy: Second Adventure - washing the truck. On the way home from Albany last night, we drove through a storm cloud of bugs - big ones, little ones, green ones and those special glow in the dark ones.  We call them lightning bugs, but other refer to them as fire flies (not to be confused with that excellent SciFi drama by the same name). We could barely see out of the windshield by the time we got back to camp. While the car wash did have a bay large enough for our truck, the scrubby brush was broken. So, being the resourceful RVers that we are, Dave took the broken handle and squirted out the foamy soap and I followed behind with the brush head in hand.  All in all - not a bad wash job.  At least the front of the truck is not covered with dead bug bodies.  Oh, the romance of the open road!

Dave:  And the truck looks much cleaner than it has since we originally hit the road!  After we got back, we planned the rest of our campground stays into August when we leave for China.

Kathy: Having finished the trip planning, we decided to get a little exercise.  We plotted a short little bike around around the neighborhood.  Just to go around the block was almost 8 miles. We are smack dab in the middle of farm country. We have several Amish neighbors as well as a woman who raised Arabian Horses. The bike ride as uphill both ways!

David:  When we got back from the bike ride, we jumped in the campground swimming pool, which was so refreshing!  We decided to dry off and run back to the RV, however, when an afternoon thunderstorm loomed.  We checked it out on weather.com and found a severe thunderstorm warning with risk of quarter-sized hail.  Winds were picking up and we exchanged lines including names such as "Aunty Em" and "Toto."

Kathy: We knew we were in trouble when the NOAA radio that Deb gave us started broadcasting dire warnings. We called over to the camp office and Gail told us to come over to the office and hang out with them. If the weather got too bad, we could go down into the basement game room. Before heading over to the office, we secured our TV antenna and brought Patty (out patio tomato) inside and told the cats to keep an eye out for her.

David:  We spent an enjoyable hour or two, drinking wine, playing Scrabble and gossiping with Mike and Gail.  They had lots of ideas for places we might visit in our RV meanderings.

Kathy:  The storm passed without so much as a power flicker. We returned to our RV to find sleeping cats and a crockpot full of veggies and corned beef!

David:  We finished dinner off with some leftover "Robert Redford."  Kathy has to explain further.

Kathy: Not fair. Why do I get all the hard jobs. I am not sure I can explain Robert Redford. It is the name of a special dessert that Tim and Pam introduced us to from Emile's Restaurant in Geneva, New York. The chef likes to put together all kinds of yummy dessert stuff in an Oreo cookie pie shell, there's cream cheese, chocolate mouse, whipped cream, cookie crumbles and chocolate chunks. One forkfull and you are in a diabetic coma for a month!

David:  Which brings us to where we are now:  in a wine-and-Robert-Redford coma, stretched out on our easy chairs, trying to figure out what the heck to put in the blog about today.

Kathy: FYI, next time we share blogging, it will be with my computer. I just can't type on this big clunky keyboard. :)

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