Thursday, April 26, 2012

Moonshine in the Smokies

We found a little campground in Newport, TN, at the entrance to the Great Smoky Mountains.  We decided to drive longer yesterday and avoid an overnight in Marion, NC in order to beat a big thunderstorm system into camp.  We made it.  The thunderstorm rolled in this morning around 7:30, but we were already tucked into our campsite yesterday, so we enjoyed the rain over breakfast.  The Weather Service warnings were dire, but for us it only turned out to be a small thunderstorm without any hail.

After breakfast, we toured the campground and found this GEN-U-WINE moonshine still.  Luckily, David was appropriately dressed to check it out:

In a few days, we're also going to tour the Ole Smoky Moonshine Distillery in Gatlinburg (not far, by the way, from Dollywood for those of you who are Dolly Parton fans), do the moonshine tasting, and maybe stock up on some hooch!

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