Saturday, March 24, 2012

Happy March Birthdays!

Today we trekked up to Philadelphia from the DC area.  Kathy and David arose at 5:30, got to Matt and Weina's at 7am, and all of us piled into M&W's car to make a very rainy drive to Philadelphia.  On arrival, Matt, Weina and little William paid a visit to William's great-grandmother Irene, and then had lunch with M&W's friends Steve and Ann.  Meanwhile, D&K borrowed Tom's car to head over to the house on Salisbury Road to pick up the remaining furniture and take it to the dump.  All converged on Kathy's sister Barb's house to celebrate the March birthdays:  Tom, Aunt Jane, Barb and Sue.  A wonderful time was had by all, keynoted by Barb's exquisite baking and wokkery.  Little William made an auspicious - if cranky - appearance.  Here's a photo of Drew getting some QBT ("quality baby time"), with Jen, Eileen, Matt - and a partial Sue - looking on:

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