Sunday, September 19, 2010

Mohican Sunrise

This weekend we traveled to the Mohican Outdoor Center in Blairstown, NJ, near the Delaware Water Gap, for the quarterly meeting of our "outdoor" club (ok, Henry?).  We had a wonderful dinner Saturday night with some of the Appalachian Mountain Club staffers - John and Dave - and Matt, a former staffer, and Diann and Quint, who are both committee members.  Saturday dawned early and we hiked to the AT at the top of the ridge above the Mohican Outdoor Center with Jennifer and Tamara.  Jennifer is a Youth Opportunities Program counselor and she had invited her posse to stay the weekend at Blueberry Hill Lodge.  The four of us climbed from darkness to dawn on the ridge and witnessed this awesome sunrise, with clouds (fog) below us in the Paulinskill River Valley.  After breakfast we spent the rest of the day until mid-afternoon solving all of the problems of the world with the Mohican Volunteer Committee.  Back here at home, I look at these sunrise photos and realize that I don't think we've ever had such a dramatic view of clouds below and sun above.  Just shows you that the hikes around the Center can always surprise and inspire!

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